Avg Internet Security Business Edition 1 Year 3 User

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Activation Regions: GLOBAL (WORLDWIDE)

Media Type: Download / License Code

Platform: Windows 7 (Service Pack 1), 8, 8.1, 10 (Pro, Education, Enterprise, CB, CBB, LTSB), 11, Windows Server (64-bit version) 2019 (excl. Server Core Edition), 2016, 2012, 2008 R2 (latest Service Pack) Microsoft Exchange Server (64-bit version) 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010 (Service Pack 2) Microsoft SharePoint Services 3.0 and Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 and higher

AVG Internet Security Business Edition (ISBE) Detailed Features:


Online security threats can have a major impact on SMBs. If businesses are left unprotected, hackers, malware, and spam can access devices; disrupting business while negatively impacting reputation, revenue, and resources. AVG Internet Security Business Edition (ISBE), our most complete protection offering, ensures your SMB customers are protected from the most sinister online threats. ISBE takes our popular Antivirus product even further by adding Email Server Security. Help protect your clients’ PCs, networks, file servers, and email against the latest online threats with AVG Internet Security Business Edition.

  • Email scanning plus AVG’s top-rated malware and ransomware protection
  • Continuous protection against malicious websites and downloads
  • Safeguards your company and customer data
  • Free mail and phone support
  • Windows 10 compatible
  • Automatically updates
  • Remote management
  • 24/7 support

Protect against zero-day attacks

One of the new features is CyberCapture. CyberCapture isolates unknown files in a safe environment and establishes a two-way communication channel with you and AVG’s team of expert security analysts.

AntiMalware (AVG Resident Shield)

Runs in the background and provides continuous protection by scanning system files and helps detect, remove, and prevent the spreading of viruses, worms or Trojans.

AVG Anti-Spyware

Helps protect your client’s identity from the spyware and adware that tracks personal information. It also shields passwords and credit card numbers too.

AVG Anti-Rootkit

Helps detect and remove dangerous rootkits that hide other malicious software seeking to take control of user devices.

Real-Time Outbreak Detection

Cloud-based Outbreak Detection technology to help identify even the newest malware variants and outbreaks in real-time.

AI Detection

Advanced artificial intelligence designed to pro-actively identify malware samples that haven’t yet been cataloged by our AVG Threat Labs team. AI Detection is being constantly trained through telemetry data from our users.

AVG Email Protection

Helps keep email clutter-free and safe from malware and viruses, reducing downtime and distractions.

AVG Email Scanner

Helps detect infected inbound attachments before they get a chance to corrupt or slow down devices. It also works as a plug-in for email applications such as Microsoft Outlook or as a scanner for POP3, SMTP and IMAP email accounts.

AVG LinkScanner® Surf-Shield

Actively checks web pages and alerts users if it detects anything suspicious.

AVG Online Shield™

Cloud-based detection to protect users from dangerous downloads faster than ever.

AVG Business Firewall

Helps block hackers attempting to access data stored on your client’s devices and network. Also helps prevent malware taking over computers or laptops and works on wired and wireless networks.

AVG Scanning Engine

Our most advanced algorithms to date shorten scanning times to help your clients work more efficiently and effectively.

AVG Smart Scanner

Smart Scanner only scans devices when they’re not in use, so it doesn’t get in the way – saving your clients time and allowing them to focus on their business. To keep scan times to a minimum, Smart Scanner also ignores files that it has already scanned and knows are safe.

AVG Silent Mode

This special setting gives users and IT administrators an additional level of control by allowing unnecessary notifications to be disabled.

File Shredder

Normal deletion isn’t always enough to make data disappear reliably. File Shredder deletes data securely to help prevent unintended recovery.

AVG WiFi Guard

Avoid rogue WiFi access points used by hackers by alerting users when their PC tries to access an unknown public or private WiFi network.

AVG File Server Protection

Helps your clients maintain business integrity by ensuring customer data is kept private and online transactions are conducted with enhance security.

NEW! Introducing AVG Cloud Management Console

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